Winter Solstice - Northern Hemisphere: 12-21-23 7:27 pm
The winter solstice is a true still point. A portal. A doorway. A natural opening into the dark void of all potential. A space of activation, within which to lay the seeds of our dreaming.
It is an ordinary way of wisdom. Accessible to everyone and everything under the stars. An uncomplicated method of receiving living transmission from Life. There are no rites we need to perform in order to reenter the primordial matrix of being. There are no gatekeepers standing before the womb of our One Mother, the Source-Field itself.
All that is required is our attention to the matter at hand. A recognition that we are crossing a threshold. And like all thresholds, there is empowerment and transformation that cannot be avoided. We cannot help but expand through our living of it.
Within the scope of this solar downbeat, we have the opportunity to enter consciously into the quantum field of all potential through complete relaxation. This act - of allowing ourselves the deepest possible rest within the widest breadth of the yin energy flow - opens us naturally to the transmissions streaming forth from terrestrial, celestial, and intergalactic energy sources. Just as resources are channeled and dispersed throughout our bodies, the same is true throughout the cosmos. We are cells in a much larger body of consciousness, and our reception during this time allows us to take in new information, new forms of nourishment, and new catalyzing energies. As we integrate, we activate new patterns within our cellular make-up. The frequency of our whole body system rises, and new potentials become available.
We are guided to drink from a deeper well.
For us in the northern hemisphere, the winter solstice moment exact is when we are at the point of lowest solar influence for the entire wheel of the year. While this is a time of diminished solar energy, it is not a time of less energy overall. We are embedded within fields upon fields of electromagnetic energy. The sun’s field is just one sphere of influence. As we enter the period of its most profound yearly waning, we enter a period dominated by other radiances. These emanating fields of intelligence are no different from the sun; they offer profound input upon our growth and the evolution of life on this planet. The solstice moment is the widest opening through which these signals stream.
We passed through the great fulcrum of equanimity at the Fall Equinox, entered into the liminal space of the Dreamtime at Samhain, and now we approach the final stages of our collective out-breath here at Solstice. During the last six weeks, we have been doing The Work - shedding and releasing, reassessing, envisioning. As we reach this crest in the elemental flow, all that we have let go of has created a spaciousness within, so that we can receive. If you still feel bogged down by the transformation being called from you and through you, there is no better time to simply pause and let go. This letting go is not necessarily a physical activity. We may have cleaned out, cleared out, gotten rid of, or said goodbye - but those are just the outward forms of shifts happening on a less visible strata of our being. The true release asked of us by our own evolutionary impulse, is on the level of our mind, at the level of mental and emotional patterning.
We open to the primordial matrix and enter the Source Field with eyes-wide-open when awareness is seated within our body. When we are operating from our heart, we have seated our consciousness within an electrical system that draws from a wider scope than that of the brain. The brain needs the steadiness of the heart. Only when the brain is under the influence of a coherent heart-field, can it shine fully as the capable transducer that it is. The benefit of the winter solstice and the depths of the yin energy flow, is that all elemental forces are converging to support our dropping-in, and down - from our heads into our hearts, into the heart of all.
I love the winter solstice dearly. Out of all the holidays and turnings of the year, this one is my very favorite. I love the coziness, the warmth, and the sense of renewal it brings. I love the merriment. I also love how the solstice initiates the beginning of Yuletide, the winter holiday season. I consider Yule to be a big invitation to rest, relax, and savor. It is a special portion of the year when, more than any other time, larger portions of our collective turn towards love, possibility, generosity, and magic. As a child, I absolutely reveled in the winter holidays for the dreamy state of imagination I was able to easily cultivate. Nothing has changed for me in that regard, if anything it has deepened. Mostly, I appreciate how Yuletide carries the blessings of the liminal. For almost two weeks we abide in time-outside-of-time - a nice long respite during which the yin energy flow begins its decline, and the yang beings to stir in the undercurrent.
Wherever you are this Solstice and Yuletide, I wish you an abundance of all the things you love best in your life. I so appreciate you and the space you share here with me in True Nature. You are a wondrous, magical, beautiful being - and the world is a better place because of your presence.
Love + Solstice Blessings,
The head is the periscope for the Heart.
You are a wondrous, magical, beautiful being - and the world is a better place because of your presence.... and your inspiring words. Blessings to you my friend, may the turning of the year increase your outpouring of love and beauty.