Are you willing to be who you really are,
Life’s accomplice and muse,
Well-lived and well-loved,
So the world can know itself?
- Virginia Rosenberg, from Resonance
My heart-mind is embracing so much these days. Are you here with me, in this space of perpetual transformation? Perpetual growth, new perspectives, decisions, changes, revelations?
I so deeply desire this new year to be a time for our luminous unfolding.
I so deeply desire this new cycle to be a container for radical love, radical well-being, radical creative freedom. For me, for you, for all of us.
Between the fall of 2018 and December 2022 I took a complete break from social media. I did it because I had been spending so much time looking at people doing the things I wanted to do. I was also in the midst of a healing crisis - a soul journey into the depths of the mind-body connection. I decided to spend my time in the doing rather than the looking. The healing rather than the seeking. Being, rather than referring to a projected perspective of self seen from an imagined external lens. I wanted to know what my own channel held for me. I wanted a break from the distortion added by the part of me who was aware of being observed. I didn’t cut myself off completely - I read books, I listened to teachers, I took in the information that appeared due to my wanting. I just stayed away from the collective soup, city of memes, and wildfire of thought that is Instagram.
That four-year period was an incredibly fruitful time. Deeply transformative, I came to many conclusions about my own power as a quantum observer, the intelligence and complete capability of my body, life resources as energy (including money), and the capacity of everyone to connect directly to the life-force stream of source energy that is at the basis of absolutely everything.
My life changed in many ways, and I found myself living a different, more elevated pattern from the one I had unknowingly assumed as my base-line level of experience. As the external aspects of my life began to shift, I started to feel a desire to share. Share with others, share with the collective. Share what I thought was a unique perspective on life, the body, and creating. During daily life in the physical, I seemed to be carrying something different than most of the people I encountered. When I decided to tune back into Instagram, I was fascinated to discover that I was just one of many, many others - all of us riding the waves of the collective up-level/upheaval arriving at deeper, working understandings of the quantum mechanics at the basis of ourselves and reality. I was far from alone in my discoveries and direct experience. In fact, the overarching sense I have gleaned from interacting on Instagram for the past year is that greater and greater numbers of people are in fact waking up. The widespread collective transformation that we have all been waiting for is actually here.
We are each a part of it.
These days I have been enjoying sifting through Instagram to find new voices (new to me) whose tone rings really clear when I tune to their channel. One of those voices is astrologer
. As I perused her work, I saw many of my own thoughts and realizations exquisitely expressed with added clarity and insight. On an impulse I bought her 2024 Cosmic Calendar - and astrological guide for the upcoming year; a way to keep in touch with the cycles of elemental change occurring for and with us. It is entitled Resonance, and I adore her words from the Welcome:2024 is a year guided by resonance. In the absence of old rules, stark corners can be replaced by tonified channels. Earthen roads are no longer necessary when our vehicles can fly. In an ocean of overlapping frequencies, we can become artisans of the vibration we hold and exude. Original. True. Individuated, yet utterly connected. Adapting adepts, diversified and divergent, yet cultivating synarchy through coherence.
Tonified channels…artisans of the vibration…adapting adepts…cultivating synarchy through coherence.
These are powerful words and empowering ideas. Concepts that provide doorways through which we can tap into the essence of who we are.
Vibrational beings. Creative consciousness. Spirit embodied.
How this essence expresses itself is up to each of us. It depends on our individual ability to find and abide in the unique patterns of our natural coherence. When we do, our genius pours through. I am certain that each one of us is a genius.
Each one of us holds some special heart-jewel the other does not.
These are our luminous gifts, the energy that is lighting the way as we spiral, spilling headlong into the cosmos.
Recently I saw a classic model of the solar system and its movements juxtaposed against what current modeling looks like. Whether or not video is “accurate,” the general sense conveyed touches a truth-core. The cosmic dance occurring on the level of stars and planets is non-linear.
The cosmic dance occurring on the level of our lives is non-linear.
The cosmic dance occurring on the level of our bodies is non-linear.
Astrologically speaking, we are living through a great unraveling as the very elements that govern our paradigm metamorphosize…this kind of descent does not promise redemption, or the saving grace of emerging from a thicket to some “other side.” We are the thicket. There’s nothing on the other side because there are no other sides. There is only this teeming stew of open space - veined, sensate, and simmering with involvement.
- Virgina Rosenberg, Resonance
I am devoted to this and all other octaves of this vision, of what we are, and what we are stepping into together. What this new year, new cycle, new turn on the wheel holds for us.
In the major arcana of the Tarot, the tenth (X) archetype is known as The Wheel. This archetype conveys a few important things: change is underway; the elements of life are shifting; all change brings good medicine; just like a bicycle - don’t stick your fingers in the wheel in an attempt to slow things down or it will hurt. The wheel of the year always spins, the elements are always dancing; the only true still point is the enigma. 2024 is poised as a portal year - holding the potential for us to realize on a greater collective level than ever before, that we are both the wheel and the enigma.
We really can’t go backwards - and ultimately I don’t think we want to. Any ideation of a past Golden Age beyond our reach as we trammel into certain disaster, is just a manifestation of trending thought-energy in the frequency fields of despair. We can leave this story behind, and embrace our ability to create something that has never been before unto all the universe. We are the adepts adapting. We aren’t broken, we are evolving together with the wild earth that is our home. As more of us bring this knowing into our bones, we do a powerful service for the whole. This is the medicine of the times. The medicine of the people. Coming home to the halls of remembering, finding each other by the central fire, singing our songs of experience, sharing the vast field of love. The heart field.
When I use the word love, I mean all cells open to receive. I mean utter relief. The deep soul knowing that everything is truly okay. I mean the understanding that it is safe to trust the process of life, and the somatic unfolding that happens when we do.
When I read synarchy, in my mind’s eye I see a murmuration of birds. Each winged one moving of its own accord, in perfect concert with each other. No leader, no followers. Pure being expressed through the individual lens, yet creating something much greater. Not only greater but more beautiful, compelling, cooperative, coherent. Nothing being forced, the convergence of mutually held resonant intentions. Solutions meeting solutions. Inner benevolence expressed outward, meeting itself.
We humans are murmurations unto ourselves. Fifty trillion cells, each with hundreds of thousands of individual sentient aspects innervated with consciousness, intelligence, focus, and potential. Fifty trillion cells dancing. Fifty trillion cells working together. Fifty trillion cells, many - most - on the continual edge of the life-death-life dance. Our bodily murmuration is like an unkindness of ravens continually dancing in and out of the void - its activity directed by the electric unseen.
Our corporeal bodies are the most finely tuned electrical instruments on this planet. These are the sacred vessels we have been evolving for hundreds of thousands of generations under this sun. Millions of ages ago, mitochondria partnered with cellular life. Collaborated. Joined. Chose to work together. Our entire experience exists thanks to that cooperation and others like it. Co-evolution. This phenomena has been named by bacteriologist Lynn Margulis: symbiogensis - the formation of more complex life-forms from the union of two dissimilar, simpler ones. I mentioned symbiogenesis in Nourishing Quiescence; I am obsessed with the implications. We can take things apart and see what they’re made of - but intuiting a completely new form that can arise through cocreation? The sum is something more than its parts. How can we infer what has never been?
Trusting the process of life is the golden key opening the door to a future we love.
Synarchy is self-organization, a process Stephen Buhner wrote about extensively in Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm. The moment of self-organization cannot be predicted with linear calculations; neither can the resulting form be expected. Buhner offers a key insight into this process: at the moment of self-organization, interoceptive and exteroceptive neural pathways are formed to provide a flow of information for the newly functioning whole that has emerged: reception of sensory data, interpretation, generation of dynamic response. What were separate individuals, has merged and is now acting as one organism.
Self-identity has evolved. It has expanded to include what used to be The Other.
The implications in this are life changing, world shaking.
Neural pathways are streams of life-force energy; conduits for consciousness, flowing awareness. Neurophysicist Donald Hebb observed “cells that fire together, wire together.”
What happens when more of us understand the fractal nature of human relationships? What happens when we grok the quantum nature of who we are, of our earth? What happens when we witness our collective unity?
Our past is dotted with mystics who have realized the self-organization of mind and matter. These people were once few and far between, but I think that is changing. We are heading into an era when realization is our birthright delivered - the metamorphosis of the elements happens in concert with our own personal evolution. The terrestrial and celestial forces are our own energies - nothing is happening to us, we are each a node through which the energy of expansion expresses itself.
Rosenberg points out, “We have exited duality…Let us be investigators, raconteurs, and council people, assembling and informing the recreation of our worlds. Thrumming with affinity. Working in concert with the numina of the lands we traverse.” The mystics of past and present assure us that non-duality is actually our natural state. Non-duality is just another way to say quantum true nature. The entire wild world exists within an entheogenic flow of collective consciousness - and each of us is at the doorway of not only blending, but finding stability in that realization. The making real of our wholeness.
Collectively, we are coming to understand that frequency is everything. One of the most significant epiphanies sparked by my soul journey in healing, is that our body’s electrical system is basically a giant radio tower - sending and receiving at a specific frequency. My reception is equal to my sending.
What goes around, comes around.
You get what you give.
You reap what you sow.
When I first realized that my thoughts were tangible packets of energy, I was surprised. I was under the impression I could think all sorts of things with zero consequence. No consequence, meaning they didn’t matter…didn’t turn into physical matter. What a revelation to find out: thoughts turn to things.
I had been toiling under the misunderstanding that I could send out at frequency that felt like worry, fear, despair, sadness, frustration, anger, overwhelm - and get something different from life in return. During an inner journey on the Summer Solstice 2018, I saw my nervous system, very unregulated - habitually, magnetically drawn to the channels that held exactly what I didn’t want to experience. Channels that were universes away from the song of my heart. I had no idea that every time I looked for a problem I was increasing the possibility of finding it. I had no idea that my energy was creative, magnetic, attractive. I had no idea that feeling good was an actual physiological state of coherence and the ideal creative vantage point. I had no idea was I creating by virtue of my attention and focus - every single minute of my waking life. I had no idea everything was a manifestation.
Things did not change overnight. Like the sea of similar voices out in the collective, my story is very similar to the rest. I saw the relationship between my body, mind, and life - the relationship between my thoughts, emotions, frequency, and form - and then my work was cut out for me. The question became not, is my thought or emotion justified? But rather, is this how I am wanting to flow my creative life force energy? Is this an outcome I want to summon again? Is this a perception that adds to my relationships or detracts? Does this thought feel good?
I used all the tools: meditation, EFT tapping, plant medicines, flower essences, crystals, processes to raise my vibration, walks in nature, naps, baths, nourishing foods and…falling out of the airplane and starting over the next day. Again, and again, and again.
And it is on-going. The work never stops, because we never get to a perfect plateau where we rest without change or perspective shift. What I noticed, and what I hear in the collective, is that it does get so much easier. Life smooths out as we smooth out our vibration. We step into the place where wei-wu-wei is an ongoing reality.
A major shift happened on the level of how I relate to my emotions. I stopped thinking fear meant something bad was on its way, and learned to shift out of that frequency. I stopped letting myself wallow in worry. Eventually I addressed frustration, overwhelm, and boredom. I still experience all these emotions - but never from a place of believing that they are giving me objective information about some subject in my life. Emotions are a meter of how I am thinking about that subject; they are a gauge of how much life-force is actually flowing unimpeded. Fear? The vital life-force is being pinched off big time. Actually, any emotion lower than basic contentment tells me my life-force is restricted in some way.
The restriction happens because our life force flows through us first on the electrical level. Our mental focus and thought activity happens on our electrical level too, then cascading into the chemical/hormonal, and then into the cellular level of protein synthesis and the building blocks of our body. The frequency of our thoughts either harmonizes with the frequency of our life-force, or not. We literally think ourselves into health or disease. Well-being or accident. Flow or stagnation. There’s nothing we need to do to make the life-force flow to and through us, but if we have chronic mental focuses out of sync with the high, pure, frequency of our vital-force - then we have a state of resistance within our system. This isn’t a mystery, it’s something we can feel quite easily if we anchor awareness in our body. The main stumbling block is that most of us have grown up learning to tolerate negative emotions, rather than understand what they are actually indicating.
The power of personal responsibility for the lives we are creating cannot be understated. The quantum nature of things assures us that we see what we look for. Observation affects the observed. Everyone’s truth manifests, so it is not a matter of what is objectively real. It is: what truth do I want to make real.
This is the invitation of 2024: a fresh creative vantage point where the clay is in our hands. It always has been, but now we can sense the freedom in that.
One of the many illuminated concepts to recently wash through our collective awareness at large, is the understanding that - at very deep levels of our experience - we do each create our own reality. As I gaze out into our fractal soul family, I am witnessing a strong and pervasive reflex, a shaking off of the shackles. These are not bindings put there by anyone else, but limitations of thinking and perception that we ourselves have developed. Perhaps unwittingly, perhaps because we thought external authorities were correct, perhaps because we saw how other people flowed their energy and we assumed what they demonstrated were the limits of what is possible. Mostly because as conscious, creative beings in form, it is impossible not to expand. We simply cannot help becoming more. Once we become more, the old patterns become limitations.
Statistics are only a measure of how someone else, in the past, was observed to flow their creative life-force energy.
Understanding the quantum mind-body-life connection is a realistic expectation we can have for ourselves. It’s actually so germane to who we are that comprehension can feel like a return to child-like knowing…powered by science. Not the reductionist science of the past four hundred years that separated the parts from the whole - science of the new solar age that is dawning. Science that recognizes the observer effect, that understands the flexibility of genetic expression; that remembers theory means: things looked at, things seen.
It is time for us to bow and bid farewell to the technocratic model of life, the humanistic model, and even the holistic model; we are entering the quantum, and nothing less than that will satisfy our deepest knowing. Moving to what is next is only possible when we can accept where we have been. Paradoxically, acceptance activates our ability to let go. And we do want to move on.
It really doesn’t matter why or how we have limits placed on our thinking, and therefore our ability to create new possibilities. It only matters that we understand that we ourselves, and ourselves alone, are responsible for removing those limits. Not just responsible, the only ones who are capable, of doing so.
I am the only thinker in my mind.
For me - this is a huge relief. It is a relief knowing it is all within me. It is a relief knowing that I am not as subject to my eternal environment as I have believed. It is a relief knowing that everything I experience is a match to the vibrational field of resonance that I am creating through my focus - each and every minute of the day. It’s not only a relief, it is an empowerment, a transmission from the heart of life, a remembering, and a homecoming.
All collective change happens on the level of the individual - we are all a part of this. There is no forest without each tree. There is no mycelial web without the individual strands. Whatever you are inspired towards, that is your sacred ecological function in this collective transformation. We are not moving towards homogeneity in our awakening; we are opening to greater levels of individuation.
A tapestry of beauty. A mosaic of life.
As we move into 2024, I want to thank you for your presence. For the living of your life. For the way awareness flows through your eyes, your heart, your experience - and backscatters behind your mind’s eye into the unified field we all share in together.
With All My Love,