We are light
We are the light the of stars
The light of the mind
and the light of the heart
We are the gods who are sleeping
the Dreamers awaking
Straight from the core
From the source of the origin
~ Lyrics from Rivers of Light (E. Liles, 2023)
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I have been thinking a lot about our collective evolution. We are each a part of the most significant awakening to take place on this planet to date. More of us than ever before are coming to realize that our creative power stems from the inherent, reflective relationship between mind and matter.
We are entering into a quantum renaissance.
We are comprehending frequency, electromagnetic energy, entanglement, the observer effect, and the mind-body-life connection. We are healing, meditating, integrating, processing, transmuting, and transforming.
We are becoming our own healers, teachers, and leaders.
We are learning to see ourselves as luminous points of awareness through which the multi-fold universe radiates and refracts.
We are recreating ourselves and the world anew.
We are coming home to our true selves.
We are reflecting our knowing to each other, and co-creating feedback loops of realization.
In our remembering, we are shifting the entire paradigm. The elemental fabric of our time-space reality is interrelated with how we each perceive life. As our perception shifts, as we widen our view and open to new levels of understanding what it means to be human, we contribute to a new way of living on this earth.
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Below you will find the newest addition to the True Nature Thought Baths - an ode to our inherently creative nature.
It is dedicated to all of us: each of us in our individual lives, each an intrinsic part of our collective transformation, each of us powerful, each of us important, each of us awakening to who we are as creator creating creation.
I am so honored to meet you here in this space of our awakening - where we look beyond what has been, and gaze into the crystalline vault of possibility. The most signifiant understanding dawning through this quantum renaissance is the realization that our focus itself does the summoning. May solutions reign ☉
~ Emma
(If you are new to True Nature, I encourage you to read the introduction to Thought Baths here.)
Creation Thought Bath
Audio Recording
Paid Subscribers, you can access your downloadable audio file for this Thought Bath under the Audio File tab on the True Nature homepage.
Thought Bath: Creation (Script)
Read the following words as if they are your own thoughts. Take the time to feel the statements. Allow your mind to find images that correspond to the meanings conveyed. Savor the feeling you conjure through your focus.
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I am a creator
My life is a creation
A co-creative emanation
Life-force radiating
I am free to focus this energy
This energy that is me
My consciousness flowing into and through this body
I am free to channel any possibility
This creative life force flows through my veins
Flows through my mind
Flows through my life
My very nature is creative
I am creator creating creation
I am creative
Without trying
Without effort
Quantum creation begins with perception
I perceive myself
I perceive my life
I perceive all of my relationships
I perceive the qualities of all that exists
My perception is creation’s essence in action
By virtue of being alive
By virtue of having a mind
By virtue of thinking thoughts
I am creating
In every waking moment
Creative energy pours from me
This is my natural power
This is my inherent identity
There’s no special status for me to attain
Creative empowerment is my original state
My perception is flexible
I get to decide
What facets to focus on
What angles, what meaning, to amplify
I get to choose how broadly I focus
Whether I see myself as just a body
Or infinite creative energy in form
Am I fixated on what-is
Or can I see the quantum foundation?
The flexibility of form underlying what seems solid
Is the clay in my hands I mold through feeling and focus
We know an atom’s core is almost entirely space
We know that light is both particle and wave
The elements of my body and life are a display
Inner vision condensing
Awareness unfolding
The magnetic attraction of my vibrational state
The feeling of creation
Moving through me
Flowing from me
An unstoppable inspiration radiating
My heart-field is the atmosphere I create automatically
How life behaves in its sphere
This is something I have control over completely
Not from the outside
Not manipulating or contriving
From the inside, in my mind, from the basis of my perceiving
From the channel I tune to with my sacred free will to focus
My most beloved creative tool is my flowing awareness
I am creator
I am a co-creator
I am an artist of life
Together with all that I see
Every heart
Every eye
Every node of awareness
Every wild form alive
Every dancing electron
Earth, water, wind, and fire
Arising from space, our original home
The formless has born us
And out of it we unfold
Each one of us perceiving
Creating worlds from our center
How we blend, how we meet
Depends on our mode of perception
We are the multi-fold universe
We are mirrors, we are facets
Constellations of Light
Living portals flowing life force
Sourcing and summoning new vectors of possibility
In my ability to think beyond what-is
I create an opening for the solutions I seek
I am a creator
It’s so nice to know I am already endowed with capability
It’s so nice to know I am already completely worthy
It’s so nice to know everyone has this identity
I don’t have to fix anything or anyone - nothing is broken
We are all just creators learning to wield our own power
If anything serves the whole
It is simply a reminder
Of who we are
Quantum creators
Sleeping Gods, waking up from a dream
Where our powers were limited, our lives seemingly out of our hands
In the heart of our hearts, we know better, we know who we are
It’s the child-like wisdom that says magic is real
But it’s not magic, it’s quantum - its how much our attention matters
How my focus grows anything it touches, whether I want it or not.
I want for myself and this world
So many things
That exist in my mind
In my heart as dream seeds
By only observing I create more of the same
As a creator I need to focus my mind
Into the new vision I claim
I am creator
With the power to see the world anew
And this power is rooted in awareness of the quantum truths
The nature of who I really am
The nature of what this life actually is
I chose to come here
I chose this body
I knew what I was doing
And then forgot for awhile, forgot how I was limitless
I believed in limitation because I adopted the concepts
Of others who forgot their own quantum inheritance
In this now, I remember
I remember what it feels like to know
Who I am as creator
An extension of Source
Source of Love
Source of Joy
Source of Everything Good
Source of Beauty and Wisdom
Source of Everything Wanted
I’m not alone, just a body
I am spirit embodied
Creative life-force in form
Singing creation’s endless song
As I remember who I am
I remember who you are too
Now we remember ourselves awake
And see our worlds renewed
Absolutely inspired ⚡︎⚡︎