It has been many moons since I have shared a Thought Bath, and I am deeply happy with this one. It was a gift to experience its creation, and it is a gift to be able to share it.
A few weeks ago I was going through a bumpy time where I lost my sense of center and had a few days of getting back to myself. One day I drove by myself to the coast to a favorite place to hike, and listened to all my Thought Baths. As I went from Ease, to Connection, to Self-Acceptance, to Creation, the resistance I was holding dissolved into remembering and then knowing. I listed to Self-Acceptance and Creation twice over, because the sense of epiphany was so profound for me. If you haven’t listened to the other Thought Baths, I encourage you to. And I encourage you to share them with anyone else who you think might benefit.
Thought Baths are meant to be listened to ~ they are a soundscape for vibrational tuning, original compositions of music and words. That said, if you prefer to read the Thought Bath, the written text can be found at the bottom of this page.
Thought Bath: Of Dreams
The Audio Download is available for paid subscribers here ♡
Eclipse Season + Equinox Downbeat
This upcoming Tuesday the 17th, we are entering into our second and final eclipse season of 2024 beginning with the Pisces Full Moon Eclipse. Five days later on the 22nd we are crossing through the Equinox solar downbeat. While these patterns are absolutely natural to life on planet earth, they are also profound portals through which we have the opportunity to cocreate our evolution and expansion. Bringing focus to the cycles and seasons of the larger terrestrial body is a way of reclaiming more of our wholeness. If you have enjoyed my solar and lunar downloads in the past, I encourage you to join the membership portal. Articles, like the one feature below, are available for monthly, annual, and Essential subscribers.
The membership portal is also the place where I find it easy to write and share when a wild slipstream piece hasn’t come through yet. If you are interested in a more personal conversation, or would like to hear more about my cocreative work with nature - I welcome you to join me there.
Fall Equinox Essence Drop
I will be shipping out the fall equinox vibrational essence for Essential Subscribers this next week (9/16/24). If you have been considering upgrading your subscription, now is a beautiful time to do so. The Essential Subscription is $122/year and includes two vibrational essences from my Luminous Earth collection, shipped during the equinox portals (USA only).
SpinyStar Cactus Flower
Radiant Authenticity

Latin Name: Pelecyphora vivipara Astrological Influence: Libra Full Moon Elemental Dominance: Air Secondary Elements: Water, Earth Essence Category: Enhancing Alignment Medicine Land: Red Rock Secret Wilderness ~ Sedona, AZ Profile: Also known as viviparous foxtail cactus, pincushion cactus and ball cactus, spinystar is a small, low-growing cactus native to North America. While easy to overlook most of the year due to its tiny stature, spinystar is impossible to miss during its flowering. Incredibly bright, glowing pink (and sometimes purple) flowers emanate and beckon - broadcasting their presence and energy expressively into the surrounding atmosphere. This Spinystar essence bears the signature of Outer Air - the elemental correlation that encompasses our ability to stand in our personal truth while connecting, communicating, and expressing ourselves coherently within the realm of our external relationships. This correlation is informed and amplified by the astrological influence of the Libra Full Moon under which the essence was cocreated. Libra governs the dynamic balance between self and other, and is the first terrestrial elemental season of fall, beginning at the fall equinox for the northern hemisphere. Each essence I cocreate and work with falls within one of three main categories: releasing resistance, enhancing alignment, or expanding consciousness. I have observed and created these categories after years of kinesiological testing with myself and others, and experiencing the effects of the essences themselves. When an essence, such as Spinystar, falls into the enhancing alignment category, I know that its primary action is to help us amplify mental/emotional patterns that are already working for us. Essences that fall into this category invite our electrical system into familiar patterning that is soothing, nourishing, and comfortable. As Spinystar carries the Outer Air correlation, this essence is ideal for supporting the cultivation of aligned patterning related to speaking, non-verbal expression, and the connection between the heart-field and the electromagnetic field of the throat + thyroid.
Of Dreams
I dream You dream We dream a new world From our heart From our knowing Of how life can evolve I dream You dream We dream a new becoming For ourselves For each other A new truth of humanity’s potential I dream You dream We dream of endless bounty Great green gardens growing nourishment Clear pure waters flowing life force Crisp clean air breathing presence These dreams we dream are our inheritance to behold I dream You dream We dream of collective harmony Gorgeous facets and talents Perspectives and propensities Weaving together Supporting each other Creating a tapestry of resonant community Creative exchange and inspired reciprocity Following passions Fulfilling purpose Finding that which we love is our natural way to serve the whole These dreams we dream are our inheritance to behold I dream You dream We dream our beautiful homes Sanctuaries for our most intimate selves Portals for our natural creativity Foundations for building community Places where we can be ourselves Spaces where we can grow our lives Nodes on a web of collective thriving These dreams we dream are our inheritance to behold We dream healthy bodies Clear insightful minds Joyful hearts Fun, thrilling adventures Deep, meaningful conversations We dream true leadership Noble purpose Authentic eldership Holders of wisdom and peace Guiding from deep seated awareness We dream fertile soils, cleansing rains Nourishing sun We dream the economy of reciprocity Of fruits gathered and shared In my dreaming, I am creating In my creating, I am summoning Calling the life force Drawing the energy of Source Flowing it into my veins and through The fields of my sensing In my perception I see my dreaming An unending manifestation In my dreaming, I am conjuring Playing with light The original medium Evoking a feeling Finding the resonance Tuning to the vibration whose essence I seek In my dreaming I am looking beyond what is Beyond the known Beyond limitation Through the eyes of my Heart I peer through a wider lens Into the limitless field of quantum perception It’s a perspective of possibility Beyond the past and statistics An open focus of genius The source of all great ideas I don’t have to make dreams happen They arise on their own Glimmers and glimpses of life’s natural expansion My real practice is to know To find belief beyond doubt That these dreams present a vision Of what is possible for me Of what is possible for us The truth of our mind Is that through it we create our own destiny This path of our purpose is something Each of us claims We claim it by dreaming And knowing These dreams are our requests Our intentions, received by Life itself Returned to us as lived experience If my dreams are not happening There are only a few reasons why Either I am blocking them with doubt Or the time is not ripe Or there is something better in store I cannot see from this angle I have to live life, walk the spiral path Take the journey as a traveller In this dreaming of my life I can wake up Into lucidity Into the knowing And the certainty Of how my dreams become reality To dream without doubt is to find true empowerment To know it is done is to find effortless accomplishment This is why I am here To be the dreamer of worlds To decide what I want And give it my undivided focus When I find something I don’t like I can to turn my attention to a different option In shifting my focus, in finding a new dream I flow my energy Pure life vitality Directing the resources of eternity Into possibility Into the new Into what has never been As I dream, I tap into The unified field of well-being Forming a channel between the physical and the infinite, universal source of all things My inner vision radiates Emanating from my center Connecting me with others of like-intent Forming meaningful bonds of collective resonance To dream is to feel And to feel is to flow The life force at our core As above so below It is here in this space of the heart flowing as light That we source the new Earth The fresh turn on the spiral We are the architects Choosing the blueprints To ground into form We don’t even need to know specifics Just the essence we’re after I dream harmony and all the infinite ways it appears I dream nourishment in all its variety and flavors I dream joy in the ways that is right for each person I dream freedom in everyone knowing their mind is the well-spring There’s no need for all of us to share the same dream The universe is quantum and limitless There’s enough space for all perspectives What I dream for myself is my own to realize I don’t need anyone else to agree or decide Yet, I naturally meet with others whose dreams harmonize And together we nurture the dream-seeds inside Sooner or later we see with our eyes What we’ve dreamed with the Love that flows through our mind ~Emma Liles Umpqua River 2024
Thank you for writing and sharing this Emma. Like Neil, I really enjoyed your poem—particularly the stanza about reasons one’s dreams might not happen.
“Either I am blocking them with doubt
Or the time is not ripe
Or there is something better in store
I cannot see from this angle
I have to live life, walk the spiral path”
That idea of a spiral path is apt—it isn’t just point a to b, it goes indirectly and we have to trust it. A lack of trust makes us block with doubt. What I took away from this, and pardon me if I’m misinterpreting, is to trust the spiral—the time it takes to travel in a spiral allows things to ripen, allows the right things to arise. Thank you again for writing.
I really enjoyed this poem, Emma. I like these lines especially:
"The truth of our mind
Is that through it we create our own destiny"
This really resonates with me. I like that aspect of the truth of our mind and creating.