Welcome to Thought Bath Thursday! This will be the last issue I send out from our Fall Camp in the WI Northwoods - tomorrow (or as soon as it stops raining) we will pack up and head onward into the wild world that awaits us. It has been incredibly nourishing, inspiring, and centering to spend the past two weeks in this beautiful and powerful forest atmosphere - and I look forward to what is next.
This week’s Thought Bath is inspired by the overarching message I receive while within these woods - connection, we are connected. Every day for the past two weeks, I have felt immersed and held within this energy field of wild knowing, and it is a pleasure to share that with you here.
If you are new to True Nature, you can find more information on Thought Baths here
Thought Bath: Attuning to Connection
Audio Recording
Paid Subscribers, you can access the downloadable audio file here
Thought Bath: Attuning to Connection (Script)
Read the following words as if they are your own thoughts. Take the time to feel the statements. Allow your mind to find images and pleasant memories that correspond to the meanings conveyed. Savor the feeling you conjure through your focus.
I like the feeling of connection
Moving as one
One big dance
Every part unique
Every one an individual
Aspects and facets
Coming together in collaboration
Effortless cooperation
Joyful sharing, ecstatic exchange
Harmony, synergy, synchrony
Not forcing anything
Not making things happen
Just easy, natural, connection
Relaxing open
Receiving the energy
I love how connection feels
It’s here for me
I love how I feel when I sense my connection
To myself
To the world
To every single beautiful thing I see around me
To life itself! I am connected to life.
From very the beginning
I feel so good when I know this. When I see this. When I live my life from this place.
I love knowing that I am perfectly and completely connected to life.
I love knowing that no matter what, not even for one instant, one second, one tiny moment, could I ever ever ever be separated from life.
Not even in death, what we think is an end
Not even death can be separated from life!
It’s a continuum!
A conscious evolution
And the more I feel this, the more I see this.
The more I see this, the more I know this.
All of my cells are connected
In perpetual communication
Constant sharing and exchange
I don’t have to make it happen
I was born this way
Connection is who I am
I was this way before I was born!
I am an embodiment of connection
Connection fills me
Connection is me
Connection is the most natural thing in the world to me
Connection is health - my healing starts in connection
Connection is wealth - my abundance abides in connection
Connection is wisdom, it’s knowing, and joy
I only experience these things through my body and mind
The Whole of Who I am.
Connected like a forest and its wood wide web
Or the great big ocean and its endless depths
Each part interwoven
From the same root, the same space, the same essence and core
It’s all Connected
My only job is recalling
This connection
In complete relaxation
Where I access the life-force
The infinite conduit
Allowing the energy and everything through it
Connecting my life with the source of well-being
Not anew, but remembering my primordial condition
This state that feels like me, feels like us
That feels like fun and together
Warm cozy harmony
Like A room full of everyone I love
Like this snuggly dog
And this beautiful person
This shining crystal
This blossoming flower
Sharing in this meal and this song
This dance and this story
This dream our hearts hold
This vision we’re seeing
Together, connected
Laughing and helping
Caring and tending
Together, connected
It feels so good to know we are connected
I like knowing that each of us has a clear direct channel to the heart of the universe
To the mind of world
To the Soul
To the Source
To the Origin itself
It’s so comforting to think that everyone has this connection, inherently
No need for an intermediary
We were born this way
Already in communion
Whether we know it or not
Whether we remember it or not
Whether we access it or not
Totally linked
It’s our identity
Our imprint
Our natural state to relax into
Ourselves to discover
To enjoy and to nurture
And to reflect back to the whole
Because we each are different
We are each seeing the world in our own special ways
Unique ways
Sometimes contradictory ways
But even in all that difference we are still connected
We’re so connected that if one of us remembers
More of us can remember too
This is a woven web
A weaving of life
Each one of us a node
A juncture
An apex
Of connection
A place, a space, where life converges
Where life merges
In communication and sharing
It’s an electric exchange
We’re all mirrored facets of an infinite crystal
Each of us reflecting, refracting
The light that shines through us
It’s nice to know we can never be separate
Even if we spend days, weeks, months, years or a whole lifetime looking elsewhere
Than connection
And to relax in this knowing
Is to open the floodgates
For more life, more love
More transformation
For we grow and evolve together, not in isolation
It’s our connection that causes our endless expansion
Right now in this moment, the signal I’m choosing
the signal I’m sending is my own
Natural state
of connection
And I can feel when I’ve closed down
When I’m not quite as open
I can feel when my sense of connection is narrowed
It’s nice to know I don’t have to make it come back
Or create it again
Or build it from scratch
I just have to relax into what is already here
Who I am
Who we are
What our natural state is
That of connection
Clear and strong
Never wavering
Pure connection
All life long and beyond
We’re connected
Beyond measure or time
We’re connected
In the Original Mind
This connection
Is something we can amplify
And increase its presence
In the whole of our life
I like knowing its as easy as feeling connection
And that feeling
Is the signal I’m sending
It’s my tuning to that channel
Bringing life into focus
It’s enough
There’s no other hoops to jump through
It’s enough
To feel and to know
Because eventually, what we hold in our hearts
We see with our eyes
To sense its presence before the evidence appears in five-senses form
This is the law by which all of matter abides
The ultimate connection
Is between our mind and our lives
This connection
Between what we live and what’s inside
Is the essence, the core of connection
So I seek what is here
Already present and thriving
This connection
My sense of kinship with life
With the green growing world
And the rocks in the soils
All the four-legged, no-legged, many-legged, the winged
The one-celled, the many-celled, the swimmers with fins
The one’s with shells, with beaks, talons, or fur
Ones who lay many eggs
Or who simply divide over and over
We are connected
With the mushrooms that flourish
With the rains and the sun
With the mountains and forests
With the deserts and rivers
The waves on the ocean
The microbes in the soil
The stars out in the cosmos
We all seek the same nourishment
That of connection
A sharing of energy
It’s information and details about living life fully
In connection
We all have the same needs
For love and acceptance
To pursue our goals and dreams
We all desire authenticity, appreciation, and respect
Even the small little bugs desire shelter and rest
We are all nurtured by water, fresh air, and self-worth
Connection feels like closeness, consideration, and support
Understanding, reassurance, a community to celebrate with
The creation of life and the transition of death
In connection
Never apart from the whole
It’s nice to know
Nice to feel
A nice vibration to radiate
This connection
This is our most basic natural state
This is the signal I want to send
This is the evidence I want to receive
I love the feeling of harmony, I love seeing this connection outside of me
I have the free will to focus
I can choose my perception
Now I choose to selectively sift my thoughts
Into Connection
I really like this one for reflection and connection. The rhythm of the word. What kind of gentle wave back-and-forth as I read