No person, place, or thing has any power over me, for I am the only thinker in my mind
~Louise Hay, founder of Hay House Publishing
An Introduction to Thought Baths
Here in True Nature I am sharing one of my favorite practices for conscious cocreation - an exercise in deliberate focus.
A Thought Bath is meant to be an immersive, somatic experience. Like a warm bath you draw for yourself, or a breezy hammock you recline within, a Thought Bath is a space where we can release tension, relax, and replenish. Words are chosen, repeated and savored for the feeling they conjure - not for their novelty, wittiness, or poetry.
Part meditation, part contemplation - a Thought Bath may be lovely to hear - but that is only a surface effect. When I think, speak, or listen to a Thought Bath, I cross a threshold. I move from discursive thinking - where thoughts are moving unchecked across the surface of my mind - to selective thinking, where mental chatter subsides. Here in this space of heightened focus, I can feel the tangible sensation of the vibration I am tuning to. I can feel the things my thoughts are turning into. My body gives me moment-to-moment, accurate feedback. And I am certain that your body does too.
I love to sit down at the computer, open a blank page, and then choose a word to “seed” a few minutes of selective thinking and writing. I choose the seed-word dynamically. First I ascertain exactly how I feel at the moment. This is important because how I feel tells me what vibration or frequency I am currently tuned to. If I am feeling strong negative emotion, drawing a Thought Bath for myself is not first on my list. Instead I might meditate or take a nap. Thought Baths are for when I am feeling basically okay, or slight negative emotion. Once I know how I feel, then I will consider a word that conveys a vibration I would like to tune to.
One of my favorite seed words is ease. I like it because even if I am really frustrated or worried, I always seem to be able to access the feeling of ease. It is like a very reliable pressure point for full-body relaxation. Ease is a feeling tone I have come to trust for full mind-body replenishment. This is the seed-word I am sharing today.
Over time, I have observed a clear relationship between how I am feeling, what I am thinking, and how my life is unfolding. When I practice feeling on purpose, I notice a very obvious shift in my external circumstances, including my physical wellbeing. Before I vividly experienced the connecting points between my mind, body, and life - I felt lost in a sea of ideas and frameworks. I had no clear sense of where my inner compass was, let alone how to read it. I did not understand why I would sometimes feel in my center, in my groove or…sometimes outta wack, not feeling like myself. Once I saw for myself the inherent feedback loop between my inner and outer worlds, things clicked into place. I observed how my current mood was the telltale for the unfolding of my day, how my body feels, what thoughts I have access to, and the social interactions I have. I began to trust my focus, and my focus began to gather its own evidence.
I do not always feel good. But I do know I can get back there. This is why I write Thought Baths! They help me return to or enhance a mood that feels like me. The more accustomed I am to feeling like myself, the easier it is to notice when I am not.
I think the greatest benefit in learning to think and feel selectively, is that we cultivate the skill to choose the channels we tune to. Problems and solutions exist on different frequencies. Confusion and clear knowing are two different vibrational states. The manner of thoughts we have access to while tuned to a frequency that feels like anger or despair, are very different from the thoughts that abide on the frequencies of appreciation, joy, or love. Different tunings give us access to an infinity of ideas, words, and actions - and ultimately, vastly different universes of experience.
I hope you enjoy the bath and find the inspiration to draw your own.
With Love,
Below you will find:
The Thought Bath: Attuning to Ease audio file (6:13 min)
The written script
Thought Bath: Attuning to Ease
Audio Recording
Thought Bath: Attuning to Ease (Script)
Read the following words as if they are your own thoughts. Take the time to feel the statements. Allow your mind to find images and pleasant memories that correspond to the meanings conveyed. Savor the feeling you conjure through your focus.
I like the feeling of ease
I like the feeling of things going smoothly in my life
Smooth like a good zipper
I love the feeling of flow
I love flowing through my day
Flowing from one idea to the next
Flowing from this nice moment and this delicious meal and this lovely conversation with this person I adore
Smooth, flowing like a great big river
Clear waters streaming
Rivers of clarity
I love when my thoughts are clear
Flow, flowing, flowering
Blossoming open
Sweet sigh of relief
I love this feeling of flow in my body
This energy circulating, I feel it in my fingers, my arms, my legs, my belly
Ease feels so good
I like the feeling of one step at a time
There’s no rush, I get to decide the pace
One drop at a time, my bucket fills
So easy to fill, so soon it’s overflowing
I love the feeling of having plenty of time
My timing is always perfect when I feel relaxed like this
Smooth like a stone, river stone smooth
Smooth and clear, clear like clean glass
Transparent, my heart
Open, clear
I love when my mind feels clear like a crystal
I love these thoughts that feel like me
Who I really am
What I really know
What feels the truest and best in the deepest depths of my being
Ease and flow
All my cells know what to do
I feel it, I know it
Coursing through me
Billowing from me, a soothing breeze
This energy that is me
It’s moving out into my life - into my day
This is what I choose
This smooth, easy ride
I love ease in my life
Everything unfolding in perfectly smooth ways
Traffic lights turning green
The wide open road
The winding flowing road, I’m flowing and cruising
I’ve felt this before
The right words
At the right time
This is my clarity
This is the thing I need, appearing before me
I don’t have to plan anything, just feel this feeling
This feeling of ease, of easy timing
I love things falling into place
This is me! I’m the one flowing
Glowing, within me, around me, pouring from me, out into my world
My life, I choose the energy
Ease and flow
And smooth
And clear
Pure streams flowing down the mountain
Through green quiet forests
Silver-light water
Crystalline beauty
Gentle breeze, soothing soft rain
Fruits ripen in their own sweet time
Perfectly ripe, no need to rush
No need to force, just let them be
Spacious. Open. Clear.
My life can be just like this
Perfectly ripe, no need to rush
No need to force
Spacious. Open. Clear.
This is the signal I’m sending right now
This is ease in my life, this is what I know I like
Opening, flowing, glowing
Beauty; I feel beauty
Right now, this ease fills me
I did this, I focused myself here
Into this flow, this feeling of
Everything shifting and changing to meet me
In my flow
My timing
My sense of alignment
This is a frequency that feels like me
This is a vibration that I know as me
I can choose me! I can choose ease!
Smooth, ease, flow
Smooth, ease, flow
Easy like a Sunday morning
Sunlight streaming
Warm, home, easy, this feeling of me, this feeling of right
Slipping into a warm bath, all my cells relaxing
In breath
Out breath
Taking my time
So smooth, like a shell
Sea glass smooth, the still surface of the water
Smooth gentle ripples, love freely flowing
Clear skies, fresh air
Fresh like the morning
Clear starry skies
My eyes bathed in starlight
Clear eyes, clear heart, feeling my heart wide and clear
I like easy-going
I like plenty of time
I like me in my life, choosing what feels right to me
Clouds clearing, sunlight streaming
The sweet rains falling at just the right time
I am the maker
I am the loving creator
Of my life, my world
I say yes to love
Yes to life
Yes to ease, its what feels right
This feeling is the signal I’m sending
And I’ll know when the signal gets fuzzy
Or my tuning changes
I have the dial
Right here in my heart, in my body - I feel it, I have the power
Of focus
I can come back to these thoughts
I can clarify the signal I’m sending
Any. Time. I. Want.
I’m finding this post particularly helpful. I’ve been craving a helpful process like this. Thank u🙏hugs and kisses
What a beautiful post and reading. Your voice is so soothing. Thank you 💗