◯♍︎ Virgo Full Moon 5°22' // February 24th, 2024 // 4:30 am Pacific
I am sensing that every full moon of this next year has the potential to be incredibly impactful for us.
Full moons offer a certain kind of weather - just like the snow, the rain, or the wind. They don’t have the ability to determine how we feel, but they do offer us a certain context within which to feel. They offer us an elemental condition that we can harness to our benefit.
Naturally, this is very relative
And yet
A lot of us are together in this relative experience of personal and collective transformation. It’s all happening in higher octaves, faster measures - this is our song and dance and we decided that we wanted to do it. We’ve called for the encore - and this year is giving us everything we said we wanted. If we let it in.
Enter the Year of the Wood Dragon
This Virgo Full Moon is an exceptionally significant transition. It is the last full moon before the Spring Equinox and the preparatory full moon before we enter into the catalytic dimension of eclipse season. It is the final lunar oscillation before we enter into the dominant yang solar energy flow half of the year.
Yang = form
Yang is the condensation of formless source energy into five-senses material. The stuff of our lives. Our bodies and the mandala of our personal universes.
Yang is active and growing, the more becoming.
This full moon offers us a vantage point, a luminous climax - before the more becomes as the unfolding of our life experience. This lunation offers a space of heightened pause, where we can merge with the cellular division of our own evolution, and choose the direction of that inevitable expansion.
We are in a period of bifurcation.
A tree much branch in order to be that which it really is.
Center is the Tree of Life, the World Tree
We branch through our focus, through our thoughts and beliefs. We branch through our preferences, the kind of harmony we seek.
It is okay to focus in the direction of what feels right to me.
It is okay to focus in the direction of what feels right to you.
It is okay to focus in the direction of what feels right to us.
If we are focusing consciously, we are practicing discernment. We are aware of where and how we are shining our creative lens of perception, understanding that life-force-source-energy flows wherever we focus.
This full moon is here to highlight our natural capacity to focus, to highlight our undistorted powers of discernment.
Virgo seeks to organize. Just like water runs downhill, Virgo has an almost gravitational propensity towards discovering the order in which everything is in its right place.
Virgo is associated with the healer, with a person who has an undeniable affinity with the green kingdom of the plants, with the liver - the organ of sorting, calculating, storing, and transforming. In the northern hemisphere, Virgo is the last yang-dominant solar season (occurring around the 20th of August until the Fall Equinox in September). Virgo season is the period of fruition, harvest, setting of seed; it is time of gathering, storing, and preparing for the shift back into the yinward time of year.
Virgo is able to identify the appropriateness of every single thing in all of creation. Not appropriateness in the sense right and wrong - appropriateness in terms of how everything fits: what flows together and what flows apart. What goes here, and what goes there. What magnetically attracts within this body, this life, this ecosystem, this global community, this universe. Virgo understands the bonds and binding mechanism. Virgo understands how to rearrange and reorganize the parts within the great sphere of the whole.
Virgo sits across from Pisces on a spectrum of form and formlessness. Pisces is The Great Ocean of Being, our non-physical collective soup - the place where we return, merge, and blend.
Virgo is individuated form, the earth element in its transition phase.
Where we mutate.
Where we become more, on the level of manifestation.
We can become more, because we are always connected to the sea of The Infinite.
Virgo is ruled by Mercury - the intellect
We have the ability to know that form is just the flip side of formlessness. To understand that we are much more than these bodies, beyond life and death altogether. To perceive that who we really are in our true essence cannot actually be harmed.
Virgo’s realm is one of deep understanding. One that allows us to vibrate at the frequency of knowing, peace, and love no matter what is occurring. These are also the frequencies of healing, wholeness, and clarity.
There is a lot of drama out there.
It is up to us to decide whether that drama feels good. Or whether there is another tone that fulfills a deeper calling, fulfills a deeper desire.
It is okay to focus in the direction of what feels right to us.
The part of us that is Virgo, has the capacity to understand, and the exaltation of Virgo is pure discernment. It is the part of us that understands the quantum foundation, that can see the malleable fabric, that comprehends on a very real, tangible, somatic level - that our focus is the most powerful tool in the universe.
No one has been excluded from these riches.
This full moon is summoning a lot for us - and we are all capable of receiving it.
It is here to amplify our ability to mutate.
It is here to amplify our ability to truly see our original condition and connection to all that we perceive. To amplify the sensorial experience that our formless minds are intrinsically connected to form-based matter.
This full moon is offering us an elemental tapestry of spectacular potential. The potential to discover our inherent discernment.
Not picking out the right and wrong in ourselves or the world.
Rather, the realizing of all the ways in which our minds are manifesting as the matter coalescing around us as life itself. The discernment to understand that the ones we battle have been put there by our own dedicated focus to the problem at hand. The discernment to understand that we have the absolute ability to focus into the new. To focus into what has never been. To focus into what we would prefer now as our life experience.
To summon the new, pure ideas of what would be better for us all here on planet earth.
And receive just that.
In the most exalted Virgo fashion we can: relax into the knowing that these specifics are easy to draw out of The Great Ocean of Being. Relax into the knowing that is our focus that does the work. Relax into the knowing that we do not need to fight anyone for a slice of the already-manifested-pie-of-resources. Relax into the knowing that the pie is quantum, infinite, and yielding. Relax into the knowing that we are each a blend of yang and yin - the yang side summoning the yin side, the yin side providing endless depths for the yang. Our formless yin mind drawing into yang-form the details of our life experience. Including our bodies, including our relationships, including every single event and manifested moment.
Virgo wields the discernment to understand that it is the yin side of the equation that is the power source. The yang side is the display.
As an archetype, the pure discernment of Virgo is Logos. The Vajrayana Buddhists call this Manjushri - the embodiment of discerning-wisdom. The wisdom that sees each thing as it is, and how everything fits together. From the basis of the quantum foundation all the way to the individual grains of sand, no particle of creation is beyond the scope of Logos. We can summon and activate Logos - it is the part of our intellect that unerringly understands the quantum truths and laws of the universe. Each of us has this part. It is not unique to us as personalities - it is unique to us collectively as embodied consciousness.
As an elemental configuration, Virgo appears within us according to our natal makeup. This aspect of us seeks the perfection of order, organization, and alignment through the faculty of discernment. Regardless of how this drive for perfection manifests within each of us: it will be highlighted by this upcoming full moon.
This highlighting is a blessing and a benediction. It is an amplification of a part of ourselves that benefits our life experience, and benefits others - in a big, big way.
The only hangup is to make sure we aren’t confusing the somatic feeling of perfection with the rigidity of perfectionism. Perfection is allowing a sense of innate correctness to emanate from within, rather than the perfectionist need to manipulate things on the outside to feel better. Perfectionism is conditional, dependent on circumstance, and contrived. As a vibrational state, perfection is unconditional, dependent on inner comprehension of one’s true nature, and the true nature of all that appears. It is clear knowing, unencumbered, free, joyous, accepting, and love.
A personal, vibrational experience of perfection is our own masterpiece to behold. It is our sense of rightness to perceive and to radiate. It is our ability to find our center in our own deep knowing of the rightness of things, and stay put in that place no matter what anyone else is shouting on the street corner.
For those of us who feel called to draw upon the power of this full moon - let us draw upon our own ability to understand; upon our ability to discern how the elements of our life are coalescing around the magnetism of our dominant frequency.
There is responsibility in pure discernment. All problems come back to self. All solutions come back to self. Ultimate facility becomes the capability we each wield - as our focus, as the crystalline light of our awareness.
Meanwhile, the natural organizing forces of frequency direct the bifurcation.
It is okay to let go of the versions of the world that do not feel good.
It is only in facing the clear space of possibility, that we can allow the solutions we desire for everyone.
Let us all come to our quantum senses, and envision this world anew. Knowing we are not turning our backs on anyone. It is impossible for anyone or anything to be left behind - the true nature of our connectivity is that wherever we go, we take the entire universe with us. To isolate the yang is to forget the deeper roots of yin. Overt grasping to the form of our lives, prevents us from viewing the underlying flexibility and levity that is ever-present.
For anyone who would like to delve a little deeper into the astrological weather of the times, I am including the planetary aspects. Even if you are unfamiliar with astrological terminology and calculations, you can still partake in the energetic arithmetic.
Planetary Influences joining the Full Moon
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Sun conjunct Saturn in Pisces, opposite the Moon: The restructuring of our personal and collective worlds is illuminated, deep within their most formless aspects. This restructuring is beyond the discursive intellect - we cannot order or organize this transformation with concepts rooted in relative reality, but must draw from the deeper perceptive abilities of pure discernment. Allow the shifting of frameworks without needing to understand just yet.
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North Node conjunct Chiron retrograde in Aries: Our collective sense of destiny - the calling path we chose for ourselves - is merging with our healing of any and every ounce of self-inflicted wounding we have entertained. The wounding of self that is wound around our experience is unraveling. We are coming to see that we are the ones who perceive ourselves. We are the ones who decide who we are. We are the ones to invite or dispel anything into our experience with our free will to focus. Our worthiness is obvious, self-evident.
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Jupiter in Taurus, sexile Saturn and the Sun: The forces of amplification and expansion are beaming their magnanimous light upon this restructuring. Pulsing waves of intensity create space within the physical dimension of our experience, and shed new light upon the Saturnian changes now underfoot.
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Mars and Venus conjunct in Aquarius, square with Saturn: Our innate sense of collective connection is amplified, a line of tension is drawn, pulling taut between the restructuring of our world and the nourishment of self and connection. Can we hold the tone of who we really are? Can we be Love and allow that frequency to influence the shifting of global frameworks? (Of course we can.)
Lunar Love + Blessings,
Emma, this is a WORD!!! Straight fire from the eternal flame, all of it. Thank you for drawing it out! Sooo relevant, echoes and distillations of so many conversations I’m having with others and myself these days.