Welcome in! I love knowing that you are here with me ❁
My name is Emma, and I believe in a quantum universe, where our thoughts matter and our focus is creative ~ I am a lover of nature, and a devotee to what is wild. I am, what Stephen Harrod Buhner calls, “a nondomesticated explorer of the natural world,” dedicated to the untamed living life.
I see that each of us has a unique, perfectly intact connection to the infinite intelligence that surrounds us ~ we all have something valuable to share, and our inner understanding is the medicine of the times. I have come to the conclusion that we are all meant to (and can) live wonderful lives. When we share our truest joys and creations, we offer each other reflections that nourish, inspire, and uplift. This is the kind of collective evolution I believe in ~ and it is in this vein that I present True Nature.
Throughout the course of my life, I have sought the kind of illumination written about in the ancient texts. My seeking has led me to study and practice within many different frameworks: vajrayana buddhism, cocreative gardening, quantum mind-body science, traditional western herbalism, flower essences, hatha yoga, psychedelics, tarot, astrology, law of attraction, and self-applied kinesiology, among others. In integrating and distilling the essence of these various lenses, I have found the deepest resonance within the all-encompassing view offered by nature itself.
This newsletter is a window into my world: where the wilderness is home, plants have voices, birds bring omens, and the mind-body is capable of anything.
This publication is for you if you like/love/are curious about:
depth perception of the world that surrounds us
living in connection with wild nature
the genius of the mind-body + allowing wellness
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Paid subscribers receive access to private posts, mp3 downloads of audio files, solar + lunar downbeat reports.
Essential subscribers have the opportunity to receive two vibrational essences a year from my Luminous Earth collection, shipped to you (USA only) during the fall and spring equinox portals.
However you want to join me here, I am thankful for your presence.
With Love,