Beneath our skin is a luminescence. A freeway of mind flowing into matter. A luminous web of subtle channels - conduits for the life-force, the focused energy of our source consciousness.
The radiating intent of our deep self flows powerfully. It is high and pure. Single-pointedly streaming
unconditional love, perfect clarity complete and utter joy flawless understanding of the quantum truths: limitlessness creative perception primordial worthiness infinite possibility inextricable interconnection effortlessness ecstacy, epiphany, pure inspiration, bliss unmitigated gnosis of the true nature of reality of self and others
The stream of our wider mind flowing to and through our body, is unceasing.
connected to every single one of our cells condensing from space as the fire and dance of electrons directing the activity and processes of our body from a higher plane of consciousness
Without needing to do anything, we arrive here as embodied masters.
Infants, abiding in deep delta - the frequency state of cosmic consciousness.
Gradually, as a growing toddler we enter theta, the realm of dream and the imaginal; then alpha, the realm of the senses, until around seven or eight years old - as a young child, the beta mind of our personality flowers fully awake. This mind some call ego is a treasured, living creation of our deep Self. And like all creations, it has a life of its own. It has free-will. We have free-will. The free-will to focus. The free-will to tune ourselves, to send and receive at any frequency. To look in any direction within the multiverse, and flow the creative energy of source through the apertures of our gaze. Wild and free our focus roams, with the magnetism of our inner compass to guide us.
How does this compass work? What is its magnetic north?
When I think a thought - like this one I am immersed in now
there are (practically simultaneous) electrical, chemical, hormonal, physiological responses flooding my body now
Now now now now now now
The electrical becoming chemical
becoming physiological
Thought grounding into our flesh blood and bones, becoming the way we walk in the world
Each thought activates specific neural networks in the brain, families of related pathways grooved over time through habit. We become habituated to thinking in certain ways. Condensing the limitless potential of our grey matter into routes and favored paths.
What journeys do we take again and again? Do we like them? (and an even better question) Do we know how to use our compass and navigate to where we actually want to be?
The paths become well-grooved because there is more than just an electrical component to the process. There is feeling. As we think, the alchemical cauldron of our molecular makeup responds - moment to moment, to moment. And there is a magnetism to the feeling. Regardless of whether it feels good or bad, the sensation of emotion is compelling. This magnetic draw is the momentum of somatic experience flowing in a epiphenomenal cascade from mind into matter.
“Why are you feeling this way?” “I can’t help it.” And sometimes this is how it really seems.
“Nerve cells that fire together, wire together.”
~ Dr. Joe Dispenza
The paths become well-grooved because there is more than just the molecules, more than even a feeling component. There is the manifested evidence of our thoughts self-proving themselves.
We plot our paths on the map of our own making.
“I knew that was going to happen, I could feel it.”
In time, thought becomes belief. Belief becomes expectation. Expectation collapses infinite possibilities into a subset of potentials. Habit becomes habitat. The borders of our personal worlds become determined by the limits of our thinking.
Yet each of us is inherently and perfectly endowed with the inner sensitivity to know when we are thinking ourselves into a box. Or out of it. Into a path of conceptual limitation that dead-ends in the abyss of its endless frequency. Or into the wildness of the uncharted infinite.
Off the edge of the map, into the land of the dragons.
We are naturally equipped to sense with exquisite accuracy what is occurring in our vibration, our energy field, our metal focus and our emotions - and this lets us know what is going on in our body, and what we are harmonizing with in the larger field of life around us.
This inner sensitivity is born of the relationship between our current mental focus, and the frequency of our source consciousness. These two dimensions of our being are always in contact, always dancing in electro-ecstatic union within the most subtle levels of our whole body. When the frequencies of our two different points of focus are in resonance, the positive amplitude within our being is a sum greater than its parts. Health, vitality, intuition, inspiration, inner knowing, eagerness, satisfaction, solutions, expansion, happiness, joy, contentment - the full faucet flow of our wholeness in both the form and formless dimensions is on. When the frequencies of our two different points of focus are out of resonance, the interference between the waves creates resistance within the electrical current of our being - resulting in the spectrum of what we call negative emotion.
The knowing of our deeper self is the magnetic north to which our inner compass points.
We feel resonance or dissonance between our thoughts and deeper soul knowing, because the electrical relationship between these two levels of our consciousness constantly stimulates a neurological, chemical cascade. This becomes our hormonal expression: Oxytocin, dopamine, melatonin, prolactin, growth hormone, thyroxine, calcitonin, adrenaline, insulin, aldosterone, cortisol, estrogen, testosterone (to name a few) - chemical messengers sending their signaling throughout our cellular matrix, influencing our our genetic countenance, stimulating the up or down-regulation of genes within our DNA on a moment to moment basis. Everything from the smallest unit in a cell, to the vast worlds of our organs systems, is influenced by these alterations. No one part of us can be separated out from the whole.
When we think in harmony with what we know on the level of the soul, our whole body abides in a profound state of coherence. We feel good, because we are focused in a way that allows the wise vital-force to flow fully. Our entire cellular matrix receives contact and attention from a stream of awareness tapped into the resources of the infinite universe. Our hormones signal for repair, rejuvenation, healing, and well-being. The genes within our DNA code for high-quality proteins, and our physiology shifts towards the realized embodiment of our chosen blueprint. In these moments, we are both wider mind and human self, flowing together and spiraling higher. Evolving and expanding in tandem. Focusing the energy of the source-field itself through the specific gaze of our human life.
When our thoughts and mental focus are out of sync with what the deeper parts of us know, the electrical patterns within our inner conduits become incoherent, diffuse, and ineffective. The electrical firing in our brains becomes disorganized, and our hormonal expression shifts into a tension state. By brilliant and divine design, we are not only capable, but well-equipped to endure the tension states of contrast that are induced by asynchronicity between our very-human level of self and the deeper mind of our soul. In fact, a special gift of the human experience is that we can move out of sync with our source-self. This is how we learn to choose. This is the basis by which we become adept and masterful in understanding what our focus is and how to direct it in the first place. What we are not equipped for, or meant to deal with, is the long-term abiding in such tension states. Like touching a hot stove, our system is set-up for us to feel the burn, feel the negative emotion, receive the information of the compass needle - and refocus back to our true north. The fact that most of us have grown up learning to tolerate the burn of negative emotions, does nothing to lessen the results of their implied incoherency. Negative emotion is the precursor to any and all symptoms in the body, and by extension, within our unfolding life experience. This is a powerful knowing that returns the responsibility to sender. To our focus. To the manner in which we are channeling and summoning the source-energy of our embodiment.
“At this time, it is not enough to know. We need to know how.”
~ Dr. Joe Dispenza
When we understand the physiology of our inner guidance, we have the opportunity to reclaim our natural state of empowerment. We become, as one of my teachers says, “mystically intelligent.”1 Our embodied experience is de-mystified. We no longer need to seek outside of ourselves for who or what to blame for our problems, or for the remedy to take as the primary action towards our wholeness. We understand there is a deeper level of magnetism underlying the specific pattern we see in the iron filings of our body and life. We take responsibility for what we are radiating, for what we are sending and receiving through the radio tower of our electrical system. We understand that the energetics underlying healing, thriving, and the creation of what has never been before require not so much effort, as allowing, the powerful stream of our source-consciousness to flow throughout our gaze. We are easier to relax, easier to laugh, easier to feel safe, held, and guided. We seek joy not because it is a higher frequency, but because it is our natural state of being - when we are unhindered by the limiting concepts absorbed through the ages of humanity’s evolution. We discover that love gives us relief from fear. We find out what our deeper self knows about death. We embrace our expansion consciously, and in doing so we stay connected to the stream of our becoming on all levels and dimensions simultaneously.
The ancient masters peered deeply into the container of their inner experience, and saw the manner in which their mind merged with their deep self and blended with the outer display of phenomena, including their own body. They experienced epiphany. Mystical states of union and bliss. They spoke of peace, love, stillness, surrender. They wrote texts in shadow language, self-secret codices for worthy aspirants.
Today we have the gift of science, to speak to the developed logic of our pre-frontal cortex. Even through this black and white lens we see the evidence in clinical studies. The mystical grounded into the physics and chemistry of this time-space reality. Some who are applying this science are regrowing their thyroids, healing so-called incurable diseases, walking after years of paralysis, utterly transforming their lives.2 They speak of allowing, falling in love with their life, feeling whole, being connected to the most powerful force in the universe.
Now, in this present moment unfolding we can gather the evidence to cross the logic bridges from the way we used to think
I am subjected to the forces of life
to the deeper truth of the way things are.
The forces of nature move to and through me, as Me. Life is an expression of my choices, my vision, my perception, and my ever expanding consciousness.
Collectively, we are crossing a threshold of awareness. A threshold of direct experience. More of us than ever before understand that there is an inherent, deeply intimate relationship between our inner and outer worlds. Between what we think, how we focus, the regulation of our genes, the health of our body, and our embodied experience moving through this physical dimension we call life on planet earth.
We are reaching a tipping point, when more and more of us realize that it is ineffective to blame something outside of ourselves for the perceived insufficiencies of our life and world. We are learning to respond to the wantings by turning inward into our dreaming, into the space of creation provided by our malleable perception.
The life-force that innervates us is pure inspiration. The answers and solutions we seek are coming from allowing that stream to flow freely, unhindered by the limited thinking of old concepts. Culturally, I believe we are going through a quantum renaissance. And each of us is a part of this movement as we bring more awareness and attention to our personal mind-body-life continuums.
As we heal ourselves, we show others it is possible. As we resource our own unique channel of knowing, we offer an example for others to do the same. We are moving out of the age of hierarchy, into an era of collective mastery. It is our wildness and the inherent wisdom underlying our own whole bodies, that is leading us home. Back to the garden of our innately quantum perception, to the place where the matter we condense from the realm of the mind is born on the wings of the soul.
Out of the Archive
Said many many times by Whapio Diane Bartlett, founder of The Matrona
There’s a new documentary film out regarding Dr. Joe Dispenza’s work - “Source: It’s Within You.” It features the advancement in the clinical studies they are doing with the participants in his advanced workshops, and testimonial stories from those who have experienced spontaneous remissions and other healings.
So beautiful and love the idea of a quantum renaissance :)
I like this essay Emma and especially about how "...each of us is inherently and perfectly endowed with the inner sensitivity to know when we are thinking ourselves into a box." A really fine point on that sensistivity and awareness.