Spider plants are one of my favourites. My wife and I started with a single and now we're up eight (including original.)

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Yes! They are experts at multiplying. I have passed along so many spider plant babies over the years...and my mom still has the Mother plant...going about three decades strong now.

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This reminds me of the very first True Nature essay I read before subscribing. "I find it soothing to speak with plants, because I am aware that they are listening intently." Thank you, Emma.

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Thanks James. Recently you shared a comment that reminded me there are people out here who would enjoy my writings that focus on plants. It was an inspiring nudge into a direction that is really important for me.

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A favorite of what I’ve read from you so far. Your voice in it is great. And I love your plant speaking ways🪴

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Thanks Sarah! I had a lot of enjoyment writing this. I came out in one fell swoop, those are always my favorite 🌿

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This is a beautiful story and such a wise sentiment to which I say to non believers or those who continue to remain steadfast in their belief that humans are the most intelligent— you will never see the magic because you have set your beliefs in stone and the universe prefers something far more malleable and yielding. Thank you for your essays. They are lovely. ❤️

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Indeed, beliefs are incredibly powerful. They contour our perception and guide our awareness…I prefer limitlessness to limitation, because we see what we look for. For most of us, we have to remove the “green wall” that prevents us from perceiving and truly seeing the livingness in plant…and it is such a wonderful process of coming home to a larger family/community here on earth.

Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts!

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I love this story whether it's true or not... teehee. And I love you and your True Nature.

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🌿💗🌿 I always love knowing you are here with me Elysabeth 🌿💗🌿

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No doubts about your story!

A number of years ago now, after just passing a group of Daisies, I distinctly heard "Help! Get it off me!" Since no one else was around and I'm more science minded than what is called woo, I was a little concerned about audio hallucinations.

But as it turned out, the call came from a Daisy which had a Goldenrod Spider in its blossom. These spiders kill bees and so, are detested by flowers. Today, each and every flower invaded by one calls out to me and I dispatch the spider with or without my garden gloves. 😳

Similar to you, my closest family members include the flora and fauna, both indoors and out. People will ask how I can healthily maintain the 40+ plants in home. My true response: Because I pay attention to them.

Thank you for being here!

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JT I love this story and your Listening!! It puts a big smile on my face to read about your experience. The possibilities for connection and community with the non-human world create such a sense of the mythic-mundane, where we go beyond conceptions into full participation the heart of life.

You home must be a magical place with all those plant friends 🌿

I’m so glad you are here too!

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As you say: connection and community with the non-human world. Yes!

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I love the story, and the tongue-in-cheek writing style concealing some very deep truths...

"We are, after all, embodied consciousness. By divine right, that means we are free of all limitations except those which we impose upon ourselves."

"All elements of this time-space reality, and anything that might be considered to be beyond, are all subsumed within the one original family. We are all original kin. Forged in the primordial fires of the origin itself."

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Thank you Markael! Sometimes the tongue-in-cheek comes out and it's fun to flow with.

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Thanks Xena!

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I remember you telling me this anecdote and it seemed so odd...and so real simultaneously. Now..here is a new one...as you know Mother Spider Plant has lived the 2nd half of her life upon my elephant from Viet Nam (brought back by Uncle Mike). About 2.5 weeks ago, I passed it and it was all droopy and draggy and I felt a bit put upon. After all, it doesn't DO anything. It just sits there. So I said, quite out loud, "Well, I suppose it is time to move you somewhere where I won't see your droopiness every single day. But first...water." So I watered it. And felt called to water it again before I left on my trip. Yesterday, I noticed something quite odd. No droop. I mean NO DROOP. It is vibrant, green and so darn healthy that it seems a bit out of character for Mother Spider. Now, some might say, "Well, gosh, it just needed water." But you and I know better. Don't we?

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They are such amazing resilient plants, and definitely observing you! Every pass you make to and fro ☺️

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I love how long the spider plant has been in your family, getting to know you, making himself known.

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The Mother plant still goes strong too! I remember many years ago, at least fifteen, when my dad decided to divide the original plant and actually used a chainsaw to do so. I'm not sure what I feel for the particular method, but the fact remains these are stalwart, green allies. I'm happy to see your face here Seres ☺️🌌💗

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I love this story. I went through a few very tumultuous years of inner healing and at the few places I was brought to do that, was always a tree guardian. Although I was alone through these years, I wasn’t alone. In Florida, it was an ancient oak right outside my bedroom. That tree was my companion through the darkest times of my life. We too bring the same healing and support and assistance to them. It is true reciprocity, like you said. 🥹🤍

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