[A body-mind-life continuum essay]
If you haven’t read the first Subtle Self installment, I recommend starting there:
In part one, my main focus was establishing the chemical identity of our emotions, demonstrating that the emotions we experience are actually tangible, somatic, present-moment chemical expressions that alter our physiology. The significance of our emotions being interrelated with our chemistry, rests in the fact that our internal chemistry cascades from signaling first occurring electrically within our whole body field. This electrical level, the most subtle level of our physiology, is the dimension where our vital force and mental focus interface - and the relationship between these two electrically expressing aspects of ourselves is the basis of all wellness and dis-ease we may experience, both in our bodies and in the whole of our lives.
I believe that it is crucial that we come to a revised understanding of our emotions - as individuals, and as a collective. How we view and experience our emotions plays an absolutely essential role in how we navigate, experience, and co-create our life.
It is time for us to evolve our understanding of ourselves
Subtle Self Part II
We are physical, chemical, electrical beings.
We are consciousness embodied.
We are energetic, mental, emotional beings.
We are vibrational.
We are multidimensional.
Each aspect of who we are is inextricably interwoven with every other part. This is the whole body field: cascading dimensions of mind flowing into matter, of matter dissolving back into mind.
A field of awareness, whose natural emanating quality is the light which condenses into the physical particles of this body, of this time-space reality.
At least, this is my understanding. My mythology. My working thesis. My experience.
When we understand who we are on the level of physiology and subtle energy, the unfolding of our life experience becomes less of a mystery. Oh the great mystery still endures, but the obscurations preventing us from taking full ownership and guardianship of our experience, fall away. Along with the belief that there is anything external to who we are that has any kind of true authority within our unfolding mind-body-life continuum.
As Louise Hay said, “I am the only thinker in my mind.”
Personal sovereignty arises when we directly experience the dance between focus, perception, vibration, emotion, our personal energetic atmosphere, our physical wellbeing, and our external life experience.
This is big medicine. This is not for the faint of heart, or for those who find comfort in blaming others. This is taking full and complete responsibility for one’s creative consciousness. For LIFE. The life that moves to and through us, the life that we perceive and weave with. The life that we are co-creating in every waking moment.
And we are so utterly creative, that we can co-create our own limitations, blindfolds, and red tape. And we do so, usually without knowing that we are boxing ourselves in.
We create our own walls.
Instead of recognizing our own brushstrokes, we look to the external for the reason that things are the way they are (in our bodies, in our relationships, in our finances, in the flow of our daily life, in the world.) This is called living from the outside-in.
Understanding exactly what our emotions are conveying is the key to self-sovereignty.
True sovereignty is emotional freedom.
We are not looking for freedom from our emotions, but freedom to choose. The freedom to guide our emotional state of being. Our vibrational state of being. When we guide our emotions, we guide our physiology. When we observe our emotions, we are observing our present moment state of physical well-being, our present moment vibration. When we pay attention to the emotional content of our thoughts, we have access to indelible guidance coming from a deeper strata of our whole body field. This is called living from the inside-out.
Come this way. Come this way. Come this way into the vibrational, mental, emotional, physiological, experiential flow of the well-being that is You. Your birthright. Your inheritance.
When we make the connection between our emotional feeling state, our mental focus, our body, and what’s occurring in our life experience - in this now moment - we realize our hands are on the steering wheel (and they have been the whole time, we just didn’t know we were the one’s doing all the driving.)
Our emotions really begin to help us when we understand that each emotion is the feeling of an electrical, chemical experience in the body. And this feeling is occurring because our mental focus is either resonating with, or resisting, the frequency of our vital force.
I say vital force, but what does this mean? The vital force is the flow - our flow - the current of our consciousness streaming into this time-space reality. Into this body. Into this present moment. This great river of life vitality, our personal stream of well-being, is intentional and focused. It is the intelligence that organizes the dividing cells within the womb. It is the guiding principle that underlies every autonomous process within the body. It is the innervating power within creation itself. It is not just flowing to and through us, it is us.
The vital force is spirit. It is chi, prana, lūng, mana, pneuma.
The vital force is aliveness, dynamic - the radiating energy of Awareness.
Let me repeat myself: our mental focus is either resonating with, or resisting, the frequency of our vital force. And we can feel this resonance or dissonance.
A brief digression: It’s actually impossible to feel more than one emotion at once. We might say “I have mixed emotions,” but if you sit with yourself, you will discover that mixed emotions means a focus that is jumping around between different perspectives. Perhaps rapidly. Some of those perspectives (mental focuses) will feel better than the others. The key is to know which direction to lean in any given moment in time.
Positive Expectation feels better than Doubt.
Frustration feels better than Despair.
Contentment feels better than Frustration.
Clarity feels better than Confusion.
We might name emotions differently, so the point is not to get lost in semantics, but to feel the sensorial experience of one’s focus. Once we have acknowledged how we feel, we can trace that feeling to its thought/focus origin point.
I feel confusion because I am thinking that I do not know how to make this decision.
I feel clarity because I know exactly what steps I would like to take.
I feel excited because I am thinking about how much fun I’m going to have.
I feel worried because I am not sure what I want is possible.
I feel angry because I do not believe that what I need to happen is possible.
I feel joy because I see everything in my life flowing well.
I feel despair because I cannot imagine a way forward from this situation.
Once we trace the feeling to its focused origin point, we can choose. Sometimes, becoming aware of the feeling itself is enough, we don’t always need to chase it back to its mental roots.
What I find SO FASCINATING and UTTERLY COMPELLING, is that the feeling-emotion-thought-focus combinations that feel good, physiologically allow the vital force to flow more fully in our bodies, than the feeling-emotion-thought-focus combinations that feel bad. When we feel good, the way we speak and move in the world is different. Our vibrational atmosphere is different. We notice different things. We have access to different thoughts.
To heal, we must feel more good than bad.
“Are you feeling Well?” Are you feeling around for well-being?
“I’m not feeling Well?” I am not somatically feeling the wellness and well-being that is available to me right now.
At first it may not be easy, but it is simple: we must learn how to turn the inner dial of our focus, and our physiological well-being is in our hands.1 Our physiological well-being is just one link in the mind-body-life continuum. What occurs in the mind cascades throughout the body; what occurs in the body radiates throughout the whole of our experience.
When we focus and think, we generate electrical activity in the brain and body. This electrical activity may or may not resonate with the core, essential electrical blueprint patterning that is governing our autonomic functions (cellular and organ functions beyond our conscious responsibility.) The frequency of our vital force.
Okay: what is this frequency? What information is on the electromagnetic channel of our vital force?
Life. Possibility. Evolution. Expansion. Becoming. Knowing.
Knowing what? The tenets of this quantum time-space reality.
How does it feel when we think or perceive that there isn’t enough?
How does it feel when we think we are not capable, worthy, or deserving of our needs and desires being met?
How does it feel when we think negatively about another person?
How does it feel to think that this world, this planet is in danger?
How does it feel to think that anyone, ourselves or others, must inherently struggle for well-being?
These are questions of whole body resonance, not whether they seem to be factually true in external reality. The presence or lack of resonance is where our guidance abides. Lack, suffering, and struggle seem true, and are relatively true, because many live that experience. But - does our whole body agree with our personal perpetuation of that focus? Does our whole body resonate with continuing that co-creation? Does our body relax, sigh with relief, and generate hormonal states of wellness and thriving? Or does the presence of tension, however subtle, direct us to a wider, wiser understanding of ourselves and reality as a whole? Moving our focus does not mean ignoring the problem, it means summoning the solution through the only means possible: allowing the life force to flow fully.
When our focus generates tension patterns, when we restrict the flow of our own life-force, we diminish the value that we have to offer others. We diminish our wellness, clarity, our access to solutions, inspired ideas, and right-timing.
For those of us who are awakening beings, the bodhisattvas of quantum time-space, we must look beyond our senses, beyond our ingrained expectations, to the origin of phenomena, and our co-creative role in its manifestation. We must widen our scope, and open our focus to the mind-body-life continuum. Only within that field of living from the inside-out can we change the patterns within our own life, and therefore adjust the weaving of the whole. We cannot focus, think, speak, or act for another - but we can demonstrate what is possible, and offer our own empowerment as example.
The vital force is conscious. It is consciousness. We, in our personalities are extensions of this wider field of knowing and wisdom. On a deep level, we know why we chose to take form. We know our capability to focus. We know that our focus is creative. We know that each person is endowed with this freedom. We know that we live in a limitless, unbound universe. We know that there is not a finite set of resources, a finite economy, a finite amount of wealth, wellness, or well-being. On a deep level we understand that each person chose to take form, and is choosing their focus, therefore their personal, relative experience. And we understand that it is impossible to focus or think for another. Therefore, it is impossible to create within another’s experience. We can only create within our own. And we know what we are creating, co-creating, summoning, and allowing (or resisting) - because we have the capacity to tune in to how we feel. And this feeling is always giving us the perfect feedback.
We understand that if we want to see change in the world, we must find the focus, the thoughts, the feelings, that align and resonate within our whole body field. From that inner state of resonance, the flow of the vital force becomes:
We are moved by the spirit. We follow our bliss. And when others see us, they remember that they can do the same. Maybe this is making music. Maybe this is cooking for others. Maybe this is writing a book. Maybe this is offering a kind word. Maybe this is smiling at a stranger. Maybe this is dancing in the park. Maybe this is giving twenty dollars to the person standing on the street corner. Maybe this is growing a garden. There are no real external shoulds when it comes to how we live our lives. Only our own, unique inner guidance that comes in the form of the balance between our focus, thoughts, emotions, and feelings.
True freedom is emotional sovereignty.
When we resonate with our own vital force current, we always feel good. We feel life flowing through us. And when we are in resonance, we have access to the full current of well-being - our own inherent, vibrational essence. Our physiology reflects this. The mirror of our body, our sensorial experience, teaches us how to focus in order to align with our wellness, thriving, deeper knowing, and our ability to uplift, inspire, and create.
What else are we here for, if not for this?
I am positive that the solutions we seek for the problems we perceive can only come about when our focus resonates with what the deeper levels of us know - then the inventions, innovations, and inspirations well-forth, evolving and enhancing our experience of being humanity here on earth.
Let us perceive our freedom, for the benefit of self and others.
The work of Dr. Joe Dispenza is an indispensable resource for anyone wanting to learn more about the scientific aspects of the mind-body-life continuum.
Very thoughful essay, Emma. Once someone recognizes that resonance/resistance, the experience of the present moment becomes a way of life. For myself, getting into that resonant state is a continual process. The past few years, hiking in Nature seems to help me the most. Thank you for sharing.
Great essay Emma. “When we resonate with our own vital force current, we always feel good.” Sounds simple—of course we feel good when we are truly ourselves—but it’s anything but.