Another beautiful translation of life. Thanks for sharing Emma.

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Thanks for your kind words Ricki ♥️

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I loved beginning this Sunday with this beautiful inquiry into the sacred nature of life... sending my love and blessings to you dear Emma.

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Thank you for reading and sharing in these thoughts with me Elysabeth. Receiving and reflecting back your love and blessings 🙏🏼

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Thank you Emma! I am seeing a theme of resistance, struggle, uncertainty among resonant writers in this time. My own dreams have been of uncertainty, shifting landscapes, unexpected obstacles, standing in a train station not knowing which train to board.

My innate or ingrained response is a sort of detachment, looking in from the outside, seeing a bigger picture but not feeling immersed in the current. My own recent writings have been frameworks, explorations, and I have had to remind myself to notice the rainbows, to be present. If I feel a resistance to diving into direct experience it is that I don't know where to dive, don't feel a clear sense of "yes". Uncertainty. And so there is both comfort and discomfort in holding my head above water. I can hold space for that too; clarity will arrive in time.

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What you said about "seeing a bigger picture but not feeling immersed in the current" really lands for me. I have been sitting with your most recent piece, I have wanted to comment on it, and yet the view you are presenting is so large - this bigger picture - that it has been an effort to siphon my thoughts down to something manageable! I have been experiencing this a lot, and I surmise that is why my awareness flowing on the winds is reminding me to hold space.

You're right, clarity will arrive in time. It always does. The real challenge for me is navigating the space between, not getting caught up, but stepping back and allowing it all to unfold. Especially since as we focus upon thoughts, their reality becomes ever more vivid. The reminder to hold space is my attempt at reminding myself that I don't have to believe everything I think, and to allow for the mud to clear, the water to settle, and keep my eyes open to the rainbows so to speak. (And literally). Thanks for sharing your thoughts Markael.

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Yesterday I was touring a potential building for our food hub, and things weren't seeming right - the ideal space up front was bigger than we needed and bigger than our budget, and the right-size spaces in back had accessibility issues. When we were leaving there was suddenly a perfect rainbow framed over the building, and I thought about your rainbow and asked myself "what could this mean?" It was enough to convince me to walk back inside and ask more questions, where we learned that another similar food business was also looking at the space but not able to use all of it. So we have a potential partnership. Not sure yet where that will lead, but I thank the rainbow for telling me to dig deeper, and I thank you for reminding me to pay attention to rainbows...

I don't know if you've discovered Marija Petkovska yet, but I think you would appreciate her writings, and especially her latest: https://marijapetkovska.substack.com/p/when-the-earth-sings-and-i-howl

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I love this series of events, that you decided to dig deeper, that things opened up in an unexpected way, that more possibilities appeared - even if you're not sure where it will lead. I also love how something I felt like expressing became woven into the unfolding. Thanks for sharing this.

I've haven't read much of Marija's work yet, just the essay you cross-posted recently, so I'll check out the link.

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You are a bridge. 🤍✨

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Thank you sister. I think we are weaving within the same luminous web 🕸️💫✍🏼🌈

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Delicate and beautiful meditations here — thank you for sharing🤍

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So happy they landed for you Eden 🙏🏼

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I enjoyed reading this essay, Emma. There is a timelessness to it and a sense that everything that happened is happening in the present moment, always. Hard to describe.

I like the "Hold space" as well. There is something to that as a way to see and experience the world. Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you Neil, I like how you have picked out the timelessness aspect - I actually wasn't so aware of it myself, in a verbal/intellectual sense, and yet in your reflection I am able to loop back and see that quality permeating a lot of my experience the past few weeks. I appreciate that!

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Loved this Emma, "holding space." This is so much more important than I realize at times. By filling up my life, thus my space, where are the margins and gaps? Essential to make cozy, roomy and spacious my being for all the visitors that arrive seen or unseen, challenging or not. I posted today about a prayer/mantra I say which is, "all of me is welcome here" Space is needed for that...

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I read your essay this morning too Julie, and felt such a similarity. Your prayer/mantra "all of me is welcome here" is deceptively simple, and yet requires such mastery of love and, as you wrote - acceptance. I appreciate hearing from you here.

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Very lovely observations, words and exquisite timing, I believe the sun could only have been at that point to view, for you and the rainbow 🌈 was a linked knowledge, a present to your soul, sound like your hibernating with an eye open and all ears, coz it's still fascination, I have reflected photos I don't understand, lights appearing when nothing is there even a hole through my friends body and many more. Thank-you for those delicately powerful thoughts

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"hibernating with an eye open and all ears" - yes, you said it! Thank you, as always, for sharing your thoughts and reflections.

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